Upcoming Event: Annual Celebration Meeting on June 6th!

Continuing Care

Our aim is to foster ongoing discipleship. Our Continuing Care homes are available to individuals who have successfully completed our 9-month initial treatment program. We acknowledge that the completion of treatment marks the beginning of a lifelong journey towards recovery. We place great importance on maintaining a secure and supportive environment to assist our clients in their continued growth during this crucial phase. This ongoing support helps them expand their personal community and further their recovery journey.

Ongoing Discipleship

Healthy Relationships: While maintaining ongoing connection with staff and peers, we encourage our residents to expand their support network and communities. Our goal is to amplify the positive impact by inspiring our residents to fully engage with life.

Supported Living: We provide a safe environment for our residents to put their new skills into practice. These homes offer residents the opportunity to stay for up to a year, granting them the necessary time to solidify their recovery routines and smoothly reintegrate into broader society. As it is said in 12-Step circles, we must wrap our recovery around our life.

Facilitating Reintegration: To prepare our residents for their next steps, we facilitate volunteer opportunities, provide support for housing searches, job preparedness, and financial management. This helps residents adapt to new daily routines as they learn to live substance free.

Because of the high value of maintaining connection, we extend a warm invitation to our former residents to sustain the relationships they've built at Jericho Road. They are always welcome to visit and reconnect, even if it's just for a quick hello. Your connection is important to us, and we are here to support you.