As we come near to the end of our year of slogans, we come to an interesting slogan: “Think.” I used to wonder why “Think” is a slogan since it seems that all I do is “think” – think about my loved one and their problems, think about how they could solve their struggles, think about what I should be doing to help them, think about all the ‘what ifs’, and on and on I go, worrying and obsessing. However, the purpose of the slogan “Think” is to remind us to stop and “Think” before we act. We can do this by taking a moment to pause before speaking, giving ourselves some space to think about what we really want to say or do, not giving into the pressure someone else is putting on us to give them an immediate answer, and allowing ourselves some time to process and decide how we want to proceed.
In “How Al-Anon Works” it says, “Some of us are surprised to discover that “Think” is a slogan. After all, some of our most concerted thinking has gotten us into deep trouble. The difference today is that our thinking has changed – we try not to waste our time scheming about how to get others to change or worrying about matters over which we have no control. Instead, we learn to put our minds to work where they can do us the most good. We “Think” about the part we play in creating our own joy or sorrow and what we can do to enhance our lives and improve our interactions with others. We “Think” about the Twelve Steps and try to apply them to our own particular circumstances. We “Think” about how to include our Higher Power in our everyday lives. We are no longer trapped by the distorted, self-destructive thinking of the past. With Al-Anon’s help, we are learning to put our thought to more productive use.”*
The next time you feel pressured to respond, take a moment and “Think,” using this acronym as a guide:
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