One Day at a Time
This year our Family Support newsletters will focus on the various slogans we use in 12 Step recovery.
“When confronted with a confusing or upsetting situation, a slogan can be a lifesaver. If we are at a loss for what to do, these simple yet profound sayings can clarify our thinking.”
This month’s slogan is: One Day at a Time
“One Day at a Time” can remind us to “focus on this day only, remembering that our fears may not reflect reality because the future has yet to be written.”
“In most cases, we cannot anticipate every possible turn of events, so no matter how diligently we have prepared, we are eventually caught off guard. Meanwhile, we have expended so much time and energy trying to predict future events, soothe future hurts, and prevent future consequences, that we have missed out on today’s opportunities. And the magnitude of the task we have set for ourselves has left us drained, overwhelmed, and distraught. For most of us, a more practical approach to our challenges and fears is to take them ‘One Day at a Time.’ We can’t do anything about the future because the future is not within our grasp today. Worrying about it, trying to manipulate it, anticipating it – all these activities simply remove us from this moment. We can’t change the future, but by making the most of this day, we prepare ourselves to be able to handle whatever comes tomorrow.”
For myself, I often break down “One Day at a Time” to “One Moment at a Time” since a whole day can feel overwhelming sometimes. Instead I try to focus on the task at hand or the moment that I’m in and this brings me greater serenity and calm.
The Bible says, “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” (Matthew 6:34 The Message)
Taking things “One Day at a Time” requires us to slow down, focus on what is at hand, and trust that God knows tomorrow and is willing and able to help us with whatever comes our way.
We only have today (or this moment!) so let’s make the most of it and enjoy the peace and serenity that comes when we live “One Day at a Time.”
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