Upcoming Event: Annual Celebration Meeting on June 6th!

Commitment to Community

As we approach the new year, we invite you to join us in continuing this journey of hope, faith, prayer and positive impact. Your support has been a beacon of light, and together, we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead.


Kevin Williams

3/29/20242 min read

“The greatness of a Community is most accurately measured by the compassionate Actions of its members.” ~ Coretta Scott King

I have always said Jericho Road is a great community surrounded and supported by even greater communities. Looking back on 2023 only reaffirms my statement. I have had to ask my staff to give me reminders of what we have accomplished in the past year as I sometimes have trouble remembering details... call it old age, or my perpetual focus on the future. Writing this article serves as a poignant reminder to express gratitude and appreciation for the collective accomplishments of our community, achieved with the support of and by so many.

Such as…

  • Rob H started to work with our community partners Carlington Booch. A great benefit to all involved.

  • Pete C graduating 2 more courses at the Ottawa Mission.

  • James C serving and working at the Russell Gardens Food Bank with Southeast City Church. David and Diana Hood have been such a blessing to this community with their devotional time (David) and monthly foot care services for our long-term residents (Diana).

  • Due to demand, our Family Support meetings started gathering every month in April with 14 people registered last year.

  • 2 additional part-time staff hired with help from the Ottawa Community Foundation.

  • Another great crop from our community farm run by residents. We were able to donate 800 lbs. of fresh potatoes and carrots to the Ottawa Care Centre at Bethel Church and the Russell Gardens food bank.

  • 6 men graduated our 9-month Discipleship House program and 10 men moved to D2.

  • Gerald J graduated from our program and lived in continuing care for 3 months before getting his own place while celebrating 1 year of sobriety. He now facilitates a street outreach program; we are so proud of him!

  • Jacob reaching the 1-year sobriety milestone in Continuing Care. What an accomplishment.

Your commitment to our community has not only enabled us to overcome challenges but has also been the driving force behind our successes. Your contributions have made a significant impact and created a positive ripple effect that has touched the lives of so many.

We want to take this moment to extend our heartfelt thanks to every one of you. Your dedication and generosity have helped shape our community into a place we are all proud to be a part of.

Looking forward to another year of growth, collaboration, and shared achievements.

Commitment to Community

Kevin Williams

Executive Director